We are excited to announce that inspHire has joined Kerridge Commercial Systems (KCS), a leading supplier of software to wholesalers, merchants and other distributive businesses. Acquiring both inspHire and Current-RMS, provides KCS fantastic opportunities to strengthen two leading rental software providers. We have welcomed the acquisition, as KCS will be investing in the development of our products, as well as maintaining and supporting us in the future. A further key benefit for us is the support KCS will provide around our expansion in the US, UK and Europe, which is very important for us.
Running from February 18th – 21st, the fascinating city of New Orleans hosted this year’s ARA Rental Show and it most certainly didn’t disappoint. A total of 12,066 people were in attendance, making it the largest show since 2006! Rental businesses from all over the world came to display their latest innovation, so there was much to see.
Categories: Events
Important - GDPR only affects those businesses that hold data on individuals based in Europe.
Important - GDPR only affects those businesses that hold data on individuals based in Europe.
Important - GDPR only affects those businesses that hold data on individuals based in Europe.
It’s likely you have already heard about the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and have either already started preparing for the change, are wondering how it might affect your business or are questioning what you need to do next… To help, we have put together lots of useful information about how, who and what the changes will impact.
Running from February 18th - 21st, The Rental Show 2018 in New Orleans has nearly arrived! The event is a fantastic opportunity to network with likeminded individuals who share your enthusiasm for the rental industry. At the event, you’ll get an insight into the latest innovation in your industry as well as having access to hundreds of Show Only Specials.
Categories: Events
Equipment theft is an ever-present problem rental businesses are faced with. Regularly investing large amounts of money in new equipment and machinery presents numerous risks in itself, let alone adding the worry and burden of equipment being stolen. It’s incredibly important for businesses to consider putting precautions in place to help prevent theft, as well as make it easier to recover equipment.
Categories: Insights
Automating delivery memos, emails and other work communication is key in minimizing the chances of things “slipping through the cracks”. So how can automation make your business run smoothly?
Categories: Insights
You thought a single-vendor integrated software solution would be the best choice for your rental company, calculating that it would save you time, money, and angst; but while it helped one aspect of your business perform particularly well like finance, it left another, say operations, struggling. At a crossroads, you considered buying Rental Operations-specific “Best of Breed” (B of B) software from a rental specialist solutions provider, but you became apprehensive about the costs and complication of integrating it into your system.
Categories: Insights
Successful, sustainable businesses understand when to lead and when to listen – to clients, to customers and to themselves. A well-informed customer help desk that understands the product they are representing, inside and out, ensures that customers can ask questions and receive valuable feedback. Ask clients and employees for their input on experiences and company protocols; they may very well offer up some brand new perspectives that will move your business forward.
Categories: Insights